Young Israelites reggae tastemaker

Our very first E.P ‘Stay By My Side’ was released and quickly caught the attention of the very appreciated British BBC reggae broadcaster David Rodigan. David contacted us and insured full radio support on BBC 1Xtra, playing songs from the E.P almost every week on his show.

“A Band from Israel. They’re called Young Israelites and I’ve fallen for this song Big Time. Take a listen I hope you’re gonna love it as much as I love it. It’s called ‘Stay by My Side’…One of the great things about
music is when you hear something new and fresh and it hits you, Bang. And that definitely is my favorite record for this week. It’s made by a new band to me. They call themselves Young Israelites. Lovely vocals and those rim shots, straight out of a 1966 rocksteady record. The Young Israelites with ‘Stay by my Side’.”

David Rodigan BBC 1Xtra

David’s support started to make waves and other reggae radio stations around the world started playing our songs. ‘Stay By My Side’ got air time in Mexico (Reactor 105.7), Australia (88.3 Southern FM), Bosnia (BH1 Radio), England (Reprezant Radio, Flex FM, BBC1), and a lot more local and internet radio stations (Radio Spins). We also got featured on a few blogs in Holland (Reggae Vibes), Japan (とのリリック研究会) and Czech Republic (Nová Hudba).

An official remix for ‘Stay By My Side’ was produced by ‘Crate Classics‘ as their special first release for 2021, the remix got played multiple times on BBC 1 by broadcasters Rene Lavice, Jess Iszatt, and Jeremiah Asiamah. Another remix was created by the Holland based Reggae artist ‘Joggo’ for our second track
from the E.P: ‘Not Ready To Let You Go’.

We recently got a feature on a Japanese Reggae radio station which led to an offer from an Osaka based record label called ‘Drum & Bass Records’ to order 150 copies of ‘Stay By My Side’ on vinyl, this batch was sold out quickly by our newly discovered fan base in Japan and another order is now on its way. More
orders came from France (Jamwax Records) bought 500 copies of 7-inch vinyls with Stay By My Side (A) and Not Ready To Let You Go (B), and England (Happy People Records) who bought 600 copies of 7-inch vinyl, 300 copies of Not Ready To Let You Go (A) and Not ready To Let You Dub (B) and 300 copies
of Stay By My Side (A) and Keep On Holding On (B).

Since we released ‘Stay By My Side’ we got compliments from amazing worldwide reggae producers such as Jean Andre Lawrence – JLL prod (Sevana, Masego), Iotosh (Protoje, Jesse Royal), telling us they really like our sound and the way we recreate the classic rocksteady vibe of the ’60s.

We feel that rocksteady is a true gem, and isn’t represented enough these days, stay by my side made us realize how many people are missing that era in reggae and how excited they are when a modern band like us recreates it. We are getting a lot of love from fans around the world and we think it is not for
granted that our very first release got such amazing feedback from people that are up there in the high level of the reggae industry. We achieved this exposure without any paid promotion or links, only by the power and potential of the music we make. We truly believe that with professional managing we can reach and touch many people that miss the authentic lovers rocksteady music of the 60’s, and basically don’t have any modern bands that can provide it to them, whether it is in live shows or on newly released music.

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